Report on University Welfare for Faculty Senate, April 18th, 2012

By Professor Jack Fiorito, Senator and UFF-FSU President

“Welcome” to new, continuing, and returning Senators. This is a good time to review the roles of the Senate and of the United Faculty of Florida (UFF). The Faculty Senate is the voice of the faculty on academic matters, and can express its opinion on “any subject of interest to the University.” (And I will come back to that in a minute.) The UFF is the exclusive bargaining agent for salaries and other terms and conditions of employment. These roles sometimes overlap, but I am pleased to say that we generally have collegial and professional working relations between the UFF and Senate.
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Discretionary Raises (ADI)

The UFF continues to hear reports from faculty that a few Deans and other administrators claim that the UFF is preventing them from giving raises to individual faculty members. Any such claim is a misstatement. As Vice President Ingram stated in a memo to Deans and Academic Directors on February 9th, “pay increases may be given [to UFF-represented faculty] at the discretion of the administration so long as they are in compliance” with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Section 23.9 of the Salaries article (Article 23) provides for the Administration to give “Administrative Discretionary Increases” (ADI), if funds are available, to individual faculty for the following reasons:
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Report to Faculty Senate on University Welfare, March 21, 2012

Collective Bargaining

Faculty voted overwhelmingly in favor of the changes and supplements to our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in last month’s ratification vote.  A special thanks to those of you who voted!

I hope everyone has completed the reading assignments that I announced at last month’s Senate (see the February Senate Minutes).  They will be helpful in appreciating some of the issues under discussion at the bargaining table. Read More →

Report on University Welfare for Faculty Senate, February 22nd, 2012

Ratification voting is underway.  If you are in the faculty bargaining unit and did not vote already, please do so on your way out today.

Aside from ratification, I would like to talk about reading assignments today.  I will try to be brief and give you more time for your reading.

One document I urge you to read is the summary of what we are voting about.  This summarizes everything we were able to resolve during roughly the past year of bargaining.  There were many other things that we discussed, some very important to the Senate.  Our bargaining co-chairs, Dr. Scott Hannahs of the Mag Lab and Dr. Irene Padavic of Sociology, prepared an excellent summary of the past year’s negotiations, including many of the issues that we are continuing to negotiate.  It is only two pages, and it is excellent reading on some critical issues.  Both documents are available at our web site and will pop up if you search there for “ratification.”

One key issue is the reclassification of specialized (non-tenure track) faculty.  As recognized in the 2006 Faculty Senate report on specialized faculty, this issue necessarily ties into FSU’s commitment to tenure.  Sec. 8.3 of our contract states “Commitment to developing and maintaining a tenured faculty.  The Board agrees that it is in the best interests of the University, the faculty, and the students to maximize the ratio of tenured and tenure-accruing E&G appointments to the number of non-tenure-accruing E&G appointments among those appointments including significant teaching responsibilities.  As Drs. Padavic and Hannahs report, however, “The chief … sticking point is the BOT team’s disinterest in any contract language that would follow through on the commitment of the FSU Constitution, the Faculty Senate, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement to preserve a tenured faculty.”

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