Bargaining Update-September 4

The BOT and UFF bargaining teams met for regular bargaining on Wednesday to consider several proposals. The meeting was lively with several proposals and counterproposals discussed. 

We began with the UFF proposal on Salaries, which specified a $1,500 bonus with the possibility of its becoming permanent and a 0.5% cap on Administrative Discretionary Increases (ADI) raises. We also proposed that Market Equity distributions (which can occur under ADI) rely on comparative data more recent than 2014 and 2016.

The BOT responded during the meeting with a Salaries counter proposal that offers an $850 bonus with no possibility of becoming permanent, a 0.8% cap on ADI raises, and old Market Equity data source references.

As for Layoffs, the teams had already made substantial progress on the issue of defining a layoff unit, and the UFF was satisfied with new language in the BOT proposal. We also were pleased that the BOT no longer lists having been disciplined as a condition that can be considered and that they accepted wording saying that layoffs should be considered only after other options have been explored. The teams had a back-and forth on the ordering of layoffs, with the BOT proposal having completely removed a stipulation that people with five years of continuous service cannot be laid off if there are faculty in the layoff unit have more and the UFF countering with a proposal specifying six years.

The UFF presented its counterproposal on Conflict of Interest/Outside Activity, and the BOT suggested that the teams revert to status quo on this article (opened by the BOT) and the Leaves article (opened by the UFF).

We have bargaining scheduled for Wednesday, September 9 at 2:00, where we will be returning to these same articles.

Bargaining sessions are open to faculty, and negotiations have benefited from the many faculty who have been coming to sessions. There is definitely strength in numbers, and we appreciate having you! If you would like to attend, please respond to this message and we will send you the link. 

We also invite members to come to an online Bargaining Forum happy hour this evening at 5:00.  Members have received an invitation and zoom link from UFF President Matthew Lata, but reply to this email if you want it resent.

Regular updates can be found at our webpage:

The key to a strong Collective Bargaining Agreement is a strong membership base, so if you are not a member, please join! There has never been a more important time for us to stand together.

All best,

Irene Padavic and Scott Hannahs, Co-Chief Negotiators, UFF-FSU

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