April 2022

April 2022
Ratification voting for our 2017-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement changes will occur on Wednesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 7. The polling schedule is as follows:
The UFF-FSU Chapter will host a luncheon featuring our new VP for Faculty Development and Advancement, Sally McRorie, on Wednesday, Sept. 26th at 12:30pm in the Oglesby Union’s Florida Room. A postable flyer with more information is available at: https://uff-fsu.org/art/fly20120926McRorie.pdf
First Friday will be held from 5-7pm on July 6th at Momo’s Brew Pub, 1410 Market Street. As usual, our UFF-FSU Chapter will provide snacks (pizza!). Refreshing beverages will be available, and faculty members from throughout FSU will provide interesting conversation. Please come out and relax with your colleagues and get informal updates on bargaining and other matters. New members are especially welcome!
Also Coming Up: Read More →
The UFF-FSU Chapter will sponsor a May 24 luncheon featuring attorneys Thomas
W. Brooks and Lynn C. Hearn to discuss legal aspects of recent cuts in
retirement benefits. Please let me know if you plan to attend so that we can be
sure to have enough food and drink for all. Here is an excerpt from a
downloadable flyer available at