Report to Faculty Senate, September 18, 2013

By Professor Jennifer Proffitt, UFF-FSU President

Negotiations Concluded

Certainly a lot has happened since the last meeting of the Faculty Senate in April. Most importantly, the UFF-FSU faculty team and the administration/trustees team concluded negotiations for our 2013-2016 collective bargaining agreement. The highlights include salary and benefits improvements, such as:

  • Promotion increases of 12% and 15%,
  • Performance pay increases of 1.1% to nearly all faculty,
  • Merit increases averaging 0.6%,
  • Competitive adjustment permanent increases of $1,000 for faculty earning more than $40,000 and $1,400 for faculty earning $40,000 or less
  • Sustained performance increases of 3% for full professors and eminent scholars in rank for 7 years who have not already received a sustained performance or salary plan for professors increase,
  • More than $1.3 million authorized for discretionary salary increases,
  • Domestic Partner Benefits, and the
  • Extension of eligibility for paid parental leave to C&G faculty.

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Summary of Contract Changes, 2013-2016

Summary of Contract Changes, 2013-2016                                         September 17, 2013

UFF faculty and Administration/Board of Trustees teams have concluded negotiations for the 2013-2016 contract. Tentative Agreements and Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs), subject to ratification votes by the UFF-represented faculty and the Board of Trustees, were reached on salaries, domestic partner benefits, leaves, and conflict of interest, along with miscellaneous provisions such as a schedule for future negotiations.

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Contract and Ratification

On September 25th and 26th the faculty will be asked to ratify and accept or reject the new 3 year contract as negotiated by your bargaining team.  A copy showing all changes to the document from the current contract is posted as well as the full text for all Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) that have been signed off on.
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2013-2016: Changes September 2013
Memorandum of Agreement on Promotion raises July 2013
Memorandum of Agreement on Domestic Partner Benefits
Memorandum of Agreement – Winter Break 2013

Schedule of polling locations and times

Specialized Faculty Reclassification Update Fall 2013

Specialized Faculty (SF; previously NTTF)
Reclassification Plan

This fall most Specialized (Non-Tenure Track) Faculty will be reclassified.  The UFF and the FSU Board of Trustees have agreed to a reclassification plan for specialized faculty, which concluded a six-year effort to update SF job descriptions and make other changes to the CBA.  These changes address issues important to SF, including the potential to earn two-year and four-year employment contracts and clarified opportunities for promotion.  The changes specified in this plan, which began with a Faculty Senate Report in November, 2006, have now been approved by the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) (May 2013).  Specific changes to the contract called for in this plan will be implemented this fall and are planned to be concluded by December 23, 2013.   This 46-page agreement defies easy summary, but here are some key points:

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