Ratification voting for our 2017-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement changes will occur on Wednesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 7. The polling schedule is as follows:
Our first UFF Luncheon of the fall will be on Tuesday, September 19 at 11:30 am in the Student Services Building, Room 203.
The speaker will be State Representative Ramon Alexander, who represents the southern part of Leon County. Rep. Alexander is an inspirational speaker with a fascinating story. All UFF members admitted free of charge. More details closer to the date.
This month’s Fourth Friday is at Dreamland BBQ at the Tallahassee Mall.
This is a family-friendly venue, so bring the kids!
Professor Gummerson is an inspiring speaker and expert in the
field of Labor. He will be presenting a lecture entitled “Capitalism”.
Please RSVP for this one to Irene Padavic (ipadavic@fsu.edu) before October 30
Once again, all UFF-FSU members are invited to enjoy FSU Opera’s fall production.
The performance date is Sunday, November 5 at 3:00 pm.
This year, we are presenting Leonard Bernstein’s CANDIDE. This is a fast-moving, witty and tuneful satire based on the 18th-century novel by Voltaire. Members can receive two free tickets each. More details closer to the date.