The UFF President’s first responsibility is to the members, ensuring the Chapter is fairly representing them and supporting their issues.
The President is not charged with executing all the office’s responsibilities on their own and typically finds volunteers to help and to chair subcommittees of the Executive Council. The President is an ex officio member of all standing committees but is not required to attend all meetings. Specific tasks below are organized into those that are external-facing and those that are faculty-facing.
External-facing roles
The President is the public face of the union and is the person who speaks to external constituents such as the press, legislators, University leaders, UFF state leaders, the UFF Executive Director, and potential allies such as other unions or community groups. Some of these responsibilities can be delegated to a skilled and reliable volunteer.
- The Tallahassee Democrat. A reporter is typically assigned to the FSU beat, and that person in the past has sometimes been an ally. In any event, the President or designated representative must be available to give comments on matters of concern to faculty. On occasion, the President initiates contact with the reporter to provide news or suggest a story.
- Legislature. The President or designated representative should be available to testify before legislative committees and also should establish contacts with individual legislators on matters of interest to the union. In conjunction with the UFF state office, the President mobilizes faculty for lobbying initiatives.
- University Administration. Consultations with the FSU President and FSU Administration are mandated in the contract for twice a term and once in summer. The President confirms that the team will attend and coordinates with Administration and team members to set Consultation dates (or delegates someone to do this secretarial task). The President prepares the agenda and sends it to the Administration at least a week in advance, as per the CBA, and coordinates with team members to be sure agenda items are assigned for presentation at the meeting.
- UFF State Duties. The President must attend statewide UFF Senate meetings, including Chapter Presidents’ meetings as scheduled in conjunction with the full Senate meeting..
- The President must also attend the monthly Council of Presidents scheduled by the UFF state office.
- Membership. The President or a designated representative must assure that membership forms and quits are processed.
- Course Releases. The President assigns course releases for eligible Executive Council members for Spring, Summer and Fall and notify HR by the dates specified in Article 3.4 of the CBA.
Faculty-facing roles
- Works with the Communications Chair to assure maintenance of the UFF-FSU web site, which entails posting new content when appropriate and maintaining old material in the archives.
- Delegates someone to maintain the listserv, which involves adding new faculty to the Bargaining Unit email list, removing people who request to be removed, and adding new members to the Members email list.
- Reports monthly to the FSU Faculty Senate about what is transpiring in bargaining or other matters. If the President must miss a meeting, s/he can delegate this function to a VP or someone else.
- Presents a 5-10 minute slideshow at the New Faculty Orientation every August.
- Works with the Executive Council to identify speakers to attend members’ luncheons or other social events.
- Arranges a luncheon at the Florida High (FSUS) before classes start there (around August 10-15), collaborating with one or two FSUS activists.
- Annual faculty survey. The President or a designated representative works with the Executive Council to create questions, seek feedback, and send the survey to the Bargaining Unit. The next step is for the President or designated representative to tabulate results, analyze them, and disseminate them.
- Works with the Treasurer and the Executive Council to draft the annual budget.
- Creates and send in advance the Agenda and preside over monthly Executive Council meetings
- Organizes or delegates someone to organize monthly “Fourth Friday” or other social events.
- Offers Bargaining support. The President is an ex officio member of the Bargaining Team and although not required to attend every meeting, should be aware of what is happening. The President’s function is to provide input to the Bargaining Team based on his or her take on how faculty may respond.
- Stays in regular touch with the Membership Committee via email or other forms of communication to assure that they are appropriately informed about various matters of interest.