The minutes of our February 2021 consultation can be found at the link below.

We hold four of these a year with upper-level Administration.  Two include President Thrasher.

Consultations are intended to provide a relaxed forum to discuss issues of interest to faculty.   All are encouraged to contact UFF if you have something you feel needs to be discussed.

Bargaining Update – April 5, 2021

Bargaining season is upon us!  This year the BOT team and FSU team each open two articles, along with Article 23 (Salaries).

We met briefly last Thursday to inform each other which articles we’re opening.  UFF is opening Article 17 (Leaves) and Article 24 (Benefits), and the BOT is opening Article 8 (Appointments) and Article 19 (Conflict of Interest).

At our next meeting, the teams will exchange formal proposals and explain the changes they are seeking and why.  That meeting is scheduled for Wed., April 14, at 1:00.

For as long as faculty have bargaining rights, we will continue to press for faculty interests.

Bargaining sessions are open to faculty, and negotiations in the past have benefited from faculty attendance. There is definitely strength in numbers, and we appreciate having you! If you would like to attend, please respond to this message and we will send you the Zoom link.

The key to a strong Collective Bargaining Agreement is a strong membership base, so if you are not a member, please join! There has never been a more important time for us to stand together.  https://uff-fsu.org/wp/join/

All best,

Irene Padavic and Scott Hannahs, Co-Chief Negotiators, UFF-FSU


The minutes of our December 2020 consultation can be found at the link below.

We hold four of these a year with upper-level Administration.  Two include President Thrasher.

Consultations are intended to provide a relaxed forum to discuss issues of interest to faculty.   All are encouraged to contact UFF if you have something you feel needs to be discussed.

Spring 2021 Faculty Poll Results

In Spring 2021, 580 faculty members completed the UFF-FSU Faculty Poll. 

Highlights from the survey!

  • 80% felt that across-the board raises for cost-of-living increase should be a high priority.
  • 54% felt that UFF should work towards advocating for healthcare (31% a lot; 23% all it can)
  • 59% felt that UFF should work towards advocating for retirement benefits (31% a lot, 28% all it can)
  • 72% opposed or strongly opposed legislation that would allow university presidential searches to be in secret.
  • 87% opposed or strongly opposed legislation that would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry guns on campus.
  • 64% agree or strongly agree that FSU administrators have inappropriately high salaries compared with FSU faculty.
  • 69% agree or strongly agree that participation in faculty governance is an ethical obligation and engage accordingly.
  • 51% agree or strongly agree that assignments to teach online should be given only to faculty who volunteer to teach online.
  • 79% feel very positive or somewhat positive toward the UFF-FSU Chapter.

In the comments:

  • Salary compression is getting worse and worse.
  • Teaching professors have significantly lower salaries by about $20K than the national average.
  • Important to get tuition scholarships for spouses and dependents.
  • We need more tenure lines, and with a special focus of hiring African-American, Latinx, and Indigenous tenured / tenure-track faculty.