As a union of public employees, our working conditions are tied to decisions made by state and federal legislators. Unfortunately, many of those who make decisions about our universities fail to understand how universities function. Nearly every legislative session, there are bills to limit academic freedom, mandate unproven educational “innovations,” and interfere with our classrooms. And, of course, there’s the constant struggle to maintain adequate funding for our universities.

We have an advantage in our ongoing advocacy efforts: our location in Florida’s capitol city gives us ready access to our legislators. Every year, our members volunteer their time to lobby Florida House and Senate members and educate them about our issues. During the spring legislative session, you can always find a UFF member in committee hearings, advocating passionately for the best interests of faculty and students across the state.
Public Action

Sometimes, quiet lobbying isn't enough and we are forced to take our message to the public. When the need arises, our members answer the call. The image above is from 2009, when we led the coalition that organized the state’s largest higher-education rally, the “Fate of the State.” The rally attracted more than 1,000 marchers.
Another way to get involved with UFF's political work is to donate to our political action committee. Click the button to find out more.
More Information
For general information about legislative initiatives that are likely to impact education in Florida, click on the logo to visit the Florida Education Association's Legislative and Political Action Center.
When it comes to improving the environment for higher education, we're aware that we have many allies around the state and, depending on the issue, we may work together with the Board of Trustees, the Administration, student groups, parents' groups, the Board of Governors, or other public employee unions to get a fair deal for FSU and its faculty.