Author: Matthew Lata
Welcome back
Welcome back, and wishing everyone a productive semester.
Union plans for the fall include:
-Contract Ratification. Contract negotiations concluded a couple of weeks ago, and the ratification vote will take place just after Labor Day. The presence of about 50 faculty members at one of the summer sessions was much appreciated. You will be receiving details shortly.
-Legislative issues. Session is early this year, meaning that Committee hearings will start in the fall. We don’t yet know what is planned, but will continue to monitor and advocate for faculty interests. Issues may include Union Certification, Guns on Campus, other measures relating to firearms, preeminence, evaluative metrics, distance learning, and tuition issues.
-4th Fridays. We’ll continue to do our monthly cocktail, including at least one at a “family-friendly”
-Luncheons/Guest speakers. We are tentatively planning three of these through the fall, with
speakers from both the political and labor areas.
– UFF goes to the opera. Members will again be invited to FSUs fall opera performance – this year, it will be Leonard Bernstein’s CANDIDE, with the Union performance on Sunday, November 5.
Check the “events” link on this page for a full list.
-Recruiting. We had a very good week recruiting during orientation, and extend a special welcome to our new members. Still, the more people we have, the more influence we can
wield. Please talk to your colleagues about Membership if you feel so moved!
As always, we stand ready to assist our members with contract-related issues including working conditions, evaluations, promotion, and anything else falling under the heading of “terms and conditions of employment”. Hopefully, you will never need our legal assistance, but it is always available.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any other members of our Executive Committee with
questions, issues, or ideas.
Best in solidarity,