Thanks to the hundreds who responded.   A reminder that the UFF bargains for the entire faculty.  We need to know what you think!   We also need your support.  The more members we have, the more effective our bargaining is going to be.


After recovering from lows in 2009 after faculty cuts, satisfaction and morale have flattened over the last three years.   Very few (14%) feel that loyalty to the University is returned, and that faculty members are sufficiently rewarded for their efforts (24%).   A large majority (73%) feel that administrators have inappropriately high salaries when compared with faculty.  Everyone agrees this needs to change.

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Report to the Faculty Senate April 22, 2015

by Professor Jennifer Proffitt

Bargaining and Consultation
As noted last month, the UFF-FSU bargaining team has been in negotiations with the BOT team regarding market equity distribution plans. The next bargaining session is scheduled for April 29. At this meeting, we will continue discussing market equity, and we will also begin our regularly scheduled negotiations as per the CBA. This year, each side will open two articles plus the salary article. Reopeners this year include sabbaticals, academic freedom, discipline, and benefits.

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Report to the Faculty Senate March 18, 2015

by Professor Jennifer Proffitt

The UFF-FSU bargaining team has been in negotiations with the BOT team regarding market equity distribution plans. As noted at the last meeting, on February 11th, the UFF-FSU team presented our proposal that is largely based on the 2007 joint labor-management report regarding market equity. The BOT team presented its counter-proposal at this past Monday’s meeting. The next bargaining session is scheduled for March 27.

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