Bargaining Update

UFF faculty and Administration/BOT teams reached tentative agreement
recently on salaries, promotion, and tenure for the 2012-13 contract year.  A
brief summary of changes follows.  Details on the tentative agreements are
available via links further below.  The teams will resume negotiations Wednesday morning at 9am, with benefits and the specialized faculty (NTTF) reclassification
project as main agenda items.

Changes in promotion and tenure include the following:

1.  New 2nd-year and 4th-year progress reports for Assistant Professors.

2.  Narratives of promotion and tenure committee meetings will be required.

3.  Annual evaluations per se will not be taken into account.

For details on promotion and tenure changes, see: (promotion article) (tenure article) (appendix I on promotion and tenure procedures and criteria)

Changes in the salary article include the following:

* Merit increases to base rates according to departmental merit procedures
(0.80% of the UFF-represented faculty salary base) and deans’ determination
(0.20% of that same base).  In other words, there will be a small amount of
money for merit increases to be distributed mainly on the basis of departmental
merit criteria and procedures.  Increases will be based on the Spring, 2012
annual performance evaluation.  Implementation will be as soon as possible.

* Promotion increases of 12% for promotion to second level ranks (Assoc.
Prof, Assoc. In, Assoc. Scholar/Scientist, Assoc. Uni. Librarian, etc.) and 15%
for promotion to third level ranks (Prof, Research Assoc, Scholar Scientist,
University LIbrarian, etc.).  These rates apply to promotions attained during
the 2011-2012 academic year.  The increases will be retroactive to August

* Sustained Performance Increases of three percent (3%) in base pay for full
Professors who have been in rank seven years or more and received a rating of
“satisfactory” in their most recent Sustained Performance Evaluations (SPE, see
Sec. 10.8 of the CBA) and did not receive a Salary Plan for Professors
increase.  Those who do not have a timely SPE on file but are otherwise eligible
must complete an SPE before receiving this increase.  Implementation will be as
soon as possible.

* Increased funding authorization for Administrative Discretionary Increases,
now up to 1.0% of the UFF-represented faculty salary base, including a new
category to recognize “exceptional performance,” and which may include a
designation as “Distinguished” or “with Distinction” for tenure-track and
tenured faculty

For salary article change details, see:

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