Some brief updates that may be of interest:
1. Implementation of ratified changes to our UFF-FSU Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is proceeding. At least some promotion raises, now at 12% and 15%, with back-pay to early August, were implemented in December, and at least some merit raises are slated for implementation by January 25th. Implementation is also proceeding for other raises called for in the revised Article 23, but no information on dates has yet come to our attention (sorry). Vice President McRorie sent a memo summarizing bylaw changes that will be needed in view of the new contract provisions on evaluation (Article 10) and for other reasons.
VP McRorie’s memo can be found at:
The ratified 2012 changes to our CBA can be found via the summary of changes at:
2. Reports continue to indicate that higher education will be a key focus in the coming legislative session. This is to some extent part of a national discussion. The Wall Street Journal has run stories recently on higher ed costs. Some examples:
And of course we have all heard of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Task Force, but maybe you missed this item from cartoonist Andy Marlette:
3. Just in case you are asking yourself “What can I do to build a stronger voice for faculty?” the following link is strongly recommended:
Hope your semester gets off to a great start!