Collective Bargaining Update June 10, 2014

The teams met on May 28 and June 6.

The BOT team presented a counterproposal on Article 24 Benefits and the teams continued to discuss the issue.  The UFF-FSU team presented a proposal on Article 30 Severability, and the teams discussed it, as well.  The BOT team anticipates having a salary counter-proposal on Article 23 Salary by June 18, so the parties agreed to schedule the next bargaining session for that date.

Collective Bargaining 2014 Status

Here is a list of the status of contract articles open for bargaining in 2014 with links to the signed versions.

  1. Negotiating Ground Rules
  2. Article  8 – Appointment  – Opened by BOT – Tentatively Agreed
  3. Article  9 – Assignment of Responsibilities – Opened by BOT – Withdrawn
  4. Article 10 – Performance Evaluations – Tentatively Agreed
  5. Article 23 – Salaries – Opened by both – UFF Proposed – Tentatively Agreed
  6. Article 24 – Benefits – Opened by UFF – Withdrawn
  7. Article 29 – Severability – Opened by UFF – Withdrawn
  8. Article 30 – Amendment and Duration – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed
  9. Promotion Increase MOA – Tentatively Agreed
  10. Winter Break MOA – Opened by Both – Tentatively Agreed
  11. Domestic Partner Stipend Policy and MOA – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed
  12. Instructional Support Faculty MOA – Opened by BOT – Tentatively Agreed

Bargaining Update May 28, 2014

Bargaining for the 2014-15 reopeners commenced on April 30, and the teams agreed to Negotiating Ground Rules and gave overviews of the changes they seek.  The BOT team opened Article 8 Appointment and Article 9 Assignment of Responsibilities, with the goal of seeking changes in regard to Specialized Faculty, and the UFF team opened Article 24 Benefits and Article 29 Severability.  Two other articles open automatically:  Article 23 Salaries and Article 30 Amendment and Duration.  The teams also plan to discuss an MOA on Winter break.

The teams met on May 7, 14, and 21 and made progress on the open issues.  We reached a Tentative Agreement on Article 8 Appointment that specifies how temporary “bridge funding” will work in cases where a granting agency reduces or redirects funding such that it affects Specialized Faculty with multi-year agreements.  The teams also engaged in “Interest-Based Bargaining” around Article 24 Benefits and agreed to set up a joint labor-management committee to discuss improvements in benefits, but negotiations continue on the issue.  The UFF-FSU team presented a proposal for Article 23 Salaries on May 21, and the BOT team is considering it.   The BOT team presented a proposal on Article 9 Assignment of Responsibilities and the teams discussed it.

Bargaining Update – Bonus – September 23, 2013

In acknowledgement that the delay in implementing raises is a loss of pay to faculty, the bargaining teams agreed to distribute the funds across the bargaining unit.  This will result in a one time payment to faculty who have been rated satisfactory on their evaluation.  This payment will be distributed on December 13, and will be over $200 with the exact amount to be calculated by the university.

This bonus along with all provisions of the contract must be ratified by the faculty in a vote this week.  All modified provisions of the contract are posted here.

Notice of Contract Ratification Vote

(a)    Polling Times and Locations

Day                 Date                    Time                        Location

Monday              September 23            1:00pm-3:00pm           A213 Holley Bldg, Panama City Campus

Wednesday        September 25           10:00am-12:00pm        University Center C

Wednesday        September 25           11:00am-1:00pm          MagLab

Wednesday        September 25           12:00pm-2:00pm          Strozier Library

Wednesday        September 25           1:00pm-3:00pm            Dodd Hall

Wednesday        September 25           2:00pm-4:00pm            Strozier Library

Thursday             September 26          10:00am-12:00pm        Keursteiner Music Bldg

Thursday             September 26          11:00am-1:00pm          Bellamy Building

Thursday             September 26          12:00pm-2:00pm          Dirac Library

Thursday             September 26          1:00pm-3:00pm            Stone Building

Thursday             September 26          2:00pm-4:00pm            Dirac Library

(b) Ratification is open to all members of the bargaining unit regardless of membership in the UFF-FSU;

(c) All members of the bargaining unit are eligible to vote; and

(d) A copy of the proposed collective bargaining agreement is available for inspection here:

The vote shall be by secret ballot of all members of the bargaining unit. The vote shall be publicly counted at each polling location and the results announced at the conclusion of voting and counting. Final count will be publicly counted and the results announced in 205B Carothers Hall at 4:15pm September 26.