Bargaining Update August 28, 2013, salary

The UFF bargaining team met with the Board of Trustees team on Wednesday Aug 28th and made progress on several open issues.

The teams agreed in principle on the text and wording for the Domestic Partner Benefit policy, which you can view here on the 2013 bargaining status page.

The BOT team responded to UFF’s salary proposal.  After caucusing, the UFF team proposed a “grand bargain” to close several remaining issues (including salaries) and sign off on the 2013-2016 contract.  Some of these remaining issues include: faculty relationships with students under their supervision, evaluations of department chairs, and benefits (including domestic partners).

Collective Bargaining 2013 Status

Here is a list of the status of contract articles open for bargaining in 2013 with links to the signed versions.

  1. Article  1 – Recognition – Opened by UFF – Tentatively Agreed
  2. Article  2 – Consultation – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed
  3. Article  3 – UFF Rights – Opened by BOT – Withdrawn, no changes
  4. Article  6 – Nondiscrimination – Opened by BOT – Withdrawn, no changes
  5. Article  7 – Access to Documents – Opened by BOT – Tentatively Agreed
  6. Article  8 – Appointment  – Opened by BOT – Tentatively Agreed
  7. Article  9 – Assignment of Responsibilities – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed
  8. Article 10 – Performance Evaluations – Opened by BOT – Tentatively Agreed
  9. Article 17 – Leaves – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed
  10. Article 19 – Conflict of Interest/Outside Activity – Opened by BOT -Tentatively Agreed
  11. Article 21 – Other Faculty Rights – Opened by UFF – Withdrawn, no changes
  12. Article 22 – Sabbatical and Professional Development Leave – Opened by UFF – Withdrawn, no changes
  13. Article 23 – Salaries – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed
    MOA on promotion raises signed
    MOA on Bonus
  14. Article 24 – Benefits – Opened by both – Withdrawn, no changes
  15. Article 30 – Severability – Opened by UFF – Withdrawn, no changes
  16. Article 31 – Amendment and Duration – Opened by BOT – Tentatively Agreed
  17. Article 33 – Definitions – Opened by BOT – Withdrawn no changes
  18. Appendix A – Position Classifications in the Bargaining Unit – Opened by Both – Tentatively Agreed
  19. Appendix G – Salary Increase Notification Form – Opened by BOT – Withdrawn no change
  20. Winter Break MOA – Opened by Both – Tentatively Agreed
  21. Domestic Partner Benefits Policy and MOA – Opened by both – Tentatively Agreed

Bargaining Update August 21, 2013

The UFF and BOT bargaining teams met on Wednesday August 21.  Much progress has been made.  The teams tentatively signed an agreement on Winter Break dates.  Also signed were agreements on evaluations to include criteria for evaluating chairs of departments and on appendix A which was updated to include the new specialized faculty positions in the bargaining unit.

Further we came to an consensus on domestic partner benefits and hope to sign an Memorandum of Agreement on that issue at the next session.  Several options for salary increases and the implementation of the legislative increases were discussed.

Status of all articles being bargained this year.

Bargaining Update July 19, 2013, Memorandum on promotion raises

This Friday, July 19th, the UFF and the Board of Trustees negotiating teams reached an agreement on promotion raises.  This memorandum of agreement continues promotion raises at the same levels as last year.  This agreement was reached to avoid any delay in distributing promotion raises at the start of the fall term.  The increases will be 12% for a first promotion to associate level and 15% for a second promotion to the full level.
Art 23-Salaries MOA Promotions TA 2013-07-19