First Friday and Other Upcoming Events

First Friday will be held from 5-7pm on July 6th at Momo’s Brew Pub, 1410 Market Street. As usual, our UFF-FSU Chapter will provide snacks (pizza!). Refreshing beverages will be available, and faculty members from throughout FSU will provide interesting conversation. Please come out and relax with your colleagues and get informal updates on bargaining and other matters. New members are especially welcome!

Also Coming Up: Read More →

Highlights and Comments from the May, 2012 FSU Faculty Poll

An expanded edition of the report on the May, 2012 FSU Faculty Poll is now
available at the web site,
or via direct link at:

This edition includes hundreds of faculty comments that help to clarify and
elaborate on the meaning of the quantitative results released last week.  The
quantitative results appear in both editions. Read More →

Merit Bonus and Other Updates

In response to a UFF-FSU Facilitation request and meeting (see Sec. 20.8(a) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement), FSU Administration representatives notified UFF-FSU representatives on Monday that additional merit bonus distributions will be made in several colleges and other academic units.  The Facilitation was initiated because UFF-FSU analysis indicated certain units distributed less bonus funds than called for by the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) negotiated between the Administration and UFF.  Bargaining Co-Chair Dr. Scott Hannahs, Grievance
Chair Dr. Lee Stepina, UFF Service Unit Director Tom Wazlavek, and I conducted
the analysis and represented the UFF in the Faciliation meeting.

Colleges/units that should see substantial additional distributions include Motion Picture Arts (Film School), Student Affairs, Social Work, Institute for Science and Public Affairs, Graduate School, Ringling Center, Human Sciences, Undergraduate Studies, Visual Arts, Theatre, and Dance, Learning Systems Institute, and Education.

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Report on University Welfare for Faculty Senate, April 18th, 2012

By Professor Jack Fiorito, Senator and UFF-FSU President

“Welcome” to new, continuing, and returning Senators. This is a good time to review the roles of the Senate and of the United Faculty of Florida (UFF). The Faculty Senate is the voice of the faculty on academic matters, and can express its opinion on “any subject of interest to the University.” (And I will come back to that in a minute.) The UFF is the exclusive bargaining agent for salaries and other terms and conditions of employment. These roles sometimes overlap, but I am pleased to say that we generally have collegial and professional working relations between the UFF and Senate.
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