Bargaining Update – Promotion Increases Delayed?

Today, your UFF-FSU bargaining team offered to immediately sign off on promotion increases of 12% for promotion to Associate and 15% for promotion to Full. Unfortunately, negotiations stalled because of the Administration’s insistence on linking promotion increases (the amounts of which are not in dispute) to Administrative Discretionary Increases (ADIs). We have been informed that promotion increases will be delayed. The UFF-FSU bargaining team believes that promotion increases should stand on their own as recognition for faculty who have earned them. The increases should not be contingent on negotiations about an unrelated issue.

Illustrating our good faith, we have agreed to 15 ADIs totaling $173,000 in the last ten days. The administration already has discretion for raises according to section 23.9(a)(6) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

We see the need to put through promotion raises immediately.

Taking a non-emergency item (ADI) off the table when so many important ones are pending would be detrimental to the bargaining team’s ability to get the best agreement possible for faculty. Several significant issues remain unresolved, such as a new performance evaluation system and job security issues for specialized faculty (NTTF).

While this delay is regrettable, the administration is fully able to implement promotion increases retroactively.

Your bargaining team remains committed to bargaining a fair and equitable agreement, and we look forward to returning to the table.

Faculty Shared Governance

“’Shared governance’ is much revered by faculty, but it adds vastly to administrative costs and stifles innovation and change.  Shared governance is a byproduct of academic tenure, where faculty members with lifetime appointments face little consequence from trying, often successfully, to obstruct changes that
reduce their power or influence or increase their teaching  load.

— Vedder and Denhart, Ten Principles of Higher Education Reform (2011, p. 16)

This background reading was circulated to meeting participants prior to last
week’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Higher Education meeting in St. Petersburg. Read More →

UFF/FSU Presidents Consultation

DRAFT minutes from July 10th’s consultation with President Barron, Provost
Stokes, and other administration representatives are now posted at the UFF-FSU web site ( The URL is:

Charts from the UFF May faculty poll comparing Specialized Faculty (NTTF) and Read More →

First Friday and Other Upcoming Events

First Friday will be held from 5-7pm on July 6th at Momo’s Brew Pub, 1410 Market Street. As usual, our UFF-FSU Chapter will provide snacks (pizza!). Refreshing beverages will be available, and faculty members from throughout FSU will provide interesting conversation. Please come out and relax with your colleagues and get informal updates on bargaining and other matters. New members are especially welcome!

Also Coming Up: Read More →